1. Being a Tartan. The warriors were less than ingenious, the anteaters a curiosity, but Tartans- well. Thank you, Ana, for pointing the mascot out to me.
2. The Explorers Club. Based on the name, I was hoping it to akin to the Oxford University Exploration Club, which focused helping people get both ideas and funding for amazing trips all over the world. While that doesn't seem a fair comparison, they do go scuba diving. In Pennsylvania. Hm.
3. Being somewhere new. I've been waiting two years. I'm ready.
4. Cold. I've been waiting 23 years. Ok, maybe not quite that long. But I'm ready for real weather, along with...
5. ...Seasons
6. Moving to the other side of the country and still having access to Trader Joe's and REI. 'tis a mystery to me how people survived thousands of years (ok not the same people- you know what I mean) without them.
7. Starting Pittsburgh's first sailing club.
8. St. Paul Cathedral
9. Going to a place where I don't know anyone, and finding a group of believers with whom to worship.
10. Seeing more and more of God's faithfulness. Getting in to grad school has been one of the greater tests of faith in my life. God said to go to Pittsburgh; I'm excited to see why.