Saturday, May 22, 2010

Apartment move

I finally moved apartments, something I've been looking forward to for a long time. The current state of my kitchen:

About normal, really.

I thought this picture an interesting reflection of my life:

Wallet: home made in 3rd grade
Coffee cup: because a strong cup of coffee on a saturday makes the world a better place.
Demitasse: because American coffee is good, but Italian is even better.
Candles: for my aesthetic sensibilities
RC car: because (not diminishing those aesthetic sensibilities) yes, this is a bachelor pad.
Pile of garbage: my backpack was long overdue for a cleanout.
Toolbox: containing the basic necessities for putting together Ikea furniture. And, of course, duct tape.
Socks: so I can wear my flops to work, and my lab shoes at work.
Duster: for the annual cleaning.
Coffee table: $10 from another grad student.

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