Monday, October 5, 2009

Life update

My thanks, faithful readers, for visiting this blogs. In the blogosphere, "never have so many said so little with so much," so I am particularly grateful you choose to come here. I attached a hit counter and found this site gets 10-15 hits a day. Enough to make me excited.

- Yesterday, I was in someone else's house/apartment for the first time in two months. That's moving to a new city for you.
- Yesterday, I met the wonderful group of people, the kind you meet and immediately know you should spend time around them.
- Yesterday, I saw for the first time in my life trees in the countryside changing colors.
- Yesterday, I was assigned an advisor (and today, a cubicle). My life as a graduate student begins to take form.
- Yesterday, I had an incredible conversation with an incredible friend, as we sought to understand an incredible God.

Yesterday was a good day.

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