Friday, August 28, 2009

A few photos

My apologies, faithful readers, for the absence of posts. As it turns out, moving to a new city, starting graduate school, and not having internet at home makes it rather difficult. At last, however, I offer a few pictures. This is (supposed to be) part one of a series chronicling my transition to a new life here in Pittsburgh. Enjoy!

August 10, 5:00am: departure. Mom and I drove out together.

I love driving. I love driving cross country. I love open roads. I love driving cross country on open roads. Through blazing sun and heat...

...through wind and rain.

A side trip to Lake Erie. A simply couldn't drive past without getting my feet wet. I was going to swim, until I got a closer look at the water.

First glimpse of Pittsburgh.

The High Level Bridge near my apartment. Note the barge.
Rivers are a new phenomena to me, at least, ones that aren't lined with concrete.

The river used to be completely lined with steel mills. This is one of many monuments to those mills left in place by whoever redeveloped the land.

My front door.

Doherty Hall, Carnegie Mellon University. I will be spending a lot of time here.

In the U-Haul, eating lunch outside Ikea.

Thanks for looking!

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