Monday, August 17, 2009

Status update

For all my avid fans:

- We (Mom and me) arrived in Pittsburgh on Thursday. The apartment I took sight-unseen was AWFUL, so I talked with the manager and broke the contract. I cannot begin to describe what a discouraging start this was to trying to settle in Pittsburgh.
- My current residence is a Holiday Inn.
- I'm moving to a new place on Wednesday.
- Today was spent taking my car in for necessary service and driving a U-Haul all over Pennsylvania. If you're ever looking for a way to relax, I do not recommend driving a U-Haul through Pittsburgh. But before the driving we parked in front of the old apartment to intercept packages I had ordered, before the disgruntled property manager could get her hands on them. Sitting in a utility van half the day spying over the windshield definitely made me feel like a crook ("Home Alone" style, perhaps).
- In my new apartment I have my own GARAGE; the true passage to manhood. All the idiot writers I read in high school said you have to kill something before you're a man. It's not true. You just need a garage. Inside I do not even have room for a dinner table (seriously. If you come to my place for dinner we will "recline" like in New Testament times) but in the garage I will have power tools, sports equipment, muscle car posters, and plenty of clutter.
- Last and most important, GOD IS GOOD!! This has been a less-than-ideal start to The Pittsburgh Experience, but God is always, always there whenever I turn to him--and all the rest of the time, too.

1 comment:

  1. i adore your comment about becoming a man. indeed, a garage should be sufficient. re: dining New Testiment style--as long as you're not like the Romans who ate so much they had to throw up multipule times in one feast (so wasteful!)...sounds like you're putting a positive spin on some difficult issues; bravo.
