Saturday, September 12, 2009

all sorts

one of the benefits of living in a city like Pittsburgh is the (variety of) people you encounter. there was the woman who shouted at me from across a four lane road asking for the time, then asked for a light. the not-so-sober Steelers fan in the pub who stood up during the fourth quarter and yelled at the whole establishment to "shut up and watch the game." the born-and-bred Pittsburgher I met during my morning riverside walk, who worked in the steel mills and knows that there are fish in the river "big enough to swallow a man." my aerial dancing neighbor with more body piercings than I care to know about. the varied bus drivers. the 50,000 people at CMU and Pitt who stand out from locals, and pronounce "Carnegie Mellon" Carnegie Mellon, rather than CarNEGie Mellon. the grocer who told me about his wife's pasta recipe. the landlady who talked a mile a minute and told me to get earmuffs before winter sets in.

all sorts. gotta love it.

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