Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pittsburgh and the G20

1. The Wall Street Journal published an interesting article on the G20 and Pittsburgh, which meet next week. It gives a good sense of where Pittsburgh is at, and where it's come from. I've only lived here six weeks, but slowly I understand this city better. It's exciting to have the G20 come here, but beyond that, there's a lot of interesting dialogue going on. This article gives a good overview. Take a look.

2. As my dad pointed out, the usual riots and protests associated with the G20 may seem rather tame in comparison to Pittsburghers' reactions to Steelers games.

3. On Thursday I will be seeing Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd speak at CMU.

4. One more thing: being in a field that regularly relies on animal testing, I can assure you that CMU/BME will be on lockdown next week. Thanks to animal testing, animal rights protesters can protest for years longest than they would otherwise live.

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