Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Someday I want to start a company. To do that, I need an idea. A good one. And once in a long (LONG) time, a light bulb turns on and I find myself with what seems a good idea, but inevitably find myself a few years (or decades) too late, or find that it's really not such a good idea after all. A few days ago I thought I had a winner, but that particular light bulb isn't looking too bright at the moment. On first appearances it was great, but is now turning out to be the wrong shape, size, wattage, and color, and the need I was trying to meet could be better filled by a paper clip than a light bulb. [To twist the metaphor even more...] Thomas Edison said of his unsuccessful attempts to build a light bulb that he did not fail 1000 times, but found 1000 ways not to make a light bulb (well, maybe he didn't say that, but plenty of random blogs and forums on the internet have him quoted like that, so it must be true). So, this first idea is Un-Light Bulb #1. That leaves 999 to go.

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