Friday, September 18, 2009

Some things I just don't understand--part 1

(A blog should not be a rant. Unfortunately, mine may appear that way today.)

I'm going to invest in hearing aids. My generation is destroying their hearing. A few days ago in the library, I was (supposedly) working on an article review for biomaterials class. A girl was sitting thirty feet behind me, and I could hear her music loud and clear--and it was playing through ear buds. That is way past the point of causing damage and I ask: why would you actively destroy something so amazing, so valuable, so important to everyday life, as your hearing? I've studied the ear in previous classes, and it is an absolutely astonishing system. It's worth protecting. So if you think it's "uncool" to plug your ears when something is too loud, you're wrong. Uncool is the shortsightedness of damaging yourself.

I don't know why that girl was doing that to herself. She's certainly not the only one. But I have the feeling she will regret it in the not-too-distant future. Knowing what I do about hearing loss, I probably had a responsibility to say something to her (though whether she could have heard me is another matter). In that sense I did wrong, because I didn't say anything--I just got annoyed at being distracted from studying. I'm sorry for that. But I do wish she and people like her would make better decisions.

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