Wednesday, September 16, 2009


One thing I was looking forward to on moving to Pittsburgh was being in a city with a football team. I wanted to go to a Steelers game. On arriving in this crazy town, however, I learned that nearly all the seats are seasons tickets and most are renewed every year. In other words, I'll be watching on tv. Last week I watched the season opener at a local pub, and it was a great experience.

Steelers absolutely dominate sports talk around town. The Penguins, meanwhile, get more attention than the Pirates--and this while hockey isn't even in season. I've discovered that the most common reference to the latter is in the brunt of some joke. There are some benefits to this: the five dollars I'm spending to go to a Pirates game this weekend buys me a twenty dollar ticket, a t-shirt, a blanket, and ten dollars worth of concession/merchandise. The fans are paid to go to the games. No wonder Pittsburgh was voted "most livable city."

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