Thursday, September 24, 2009

G20, T - 0

The G20 is under way!

- Greenpeace got the first headlines after hanging an 80' x 30' sign from a bridge near downtown
- I attended a speech by Australia PM Rudd a few hours ago
- I rode my bike within a mile from where the Big Twenty were having dinner
- Protests are under way, as are the rubber bullets and the pepper spray.
- Anarchists staged a well organized march against capitalism, while wearing black hoodies. Clever, that.
- Overhead looks like a scene from Star Wars for all the helicopters.
- God bless the G20. No, really, I mean God bless the G20. This is an unbelievably powerful group of people. We will always the poor, but we will also work towards good economics. Hopefully that happens in this, the third installment of the Group of Twenty.

The Wall Street Journal posted a good slideshow, if you want pictures.

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